Step 1: Connect your PC directly to the DB-9 (RS-232-D) Console/Comm Port
on the front side of the switch using a straight-through cable. The default Console/Comm Port speed is 9600 Baud 8N1 (but is user definable in the switch's
configuration menu from 2400 to 38400 Baud - try another baud rate, if you don't get any response from the switch)
Step 2: No password is required to enter the configuration menu. Choose menu item "Reset to Default Setting" to reset the passwords and configuration to default values.
Default passwords are:
read-only switch/stack password: user
read-write switch/stack passwort: secure
Step 1: Connect your PC directly to the DB-9 Console Port of the Switch Fabric Module (XLR1298SF) of the Accelar 1200
Step 2: Break the autoboot and enter the monitor command line mode. Enter
'flags factorydefaults true' and 'save bootconfig' to reset to factory defaults. Then, the default login names and passwords are:
Access Level | Login/Password |
Read Only | ro/ro |
Level 2 Access | l2/l2 |
Level 3 Access | l3/l3 |
Read-Write | rw/rw |
Read-Write-All | rwa/rwa |
During (not after!) the boot process a option menu will be displayed:
[1] Start operational code
[2] Start utility code
After selecting option [2] you are prompted to enter the utility password, which is "R1QTPS" (valid
for any opcode version from 2.0 to 2.8). In the menu, which is displayed after the boot process has
finished, choose then appropriate options to load the default configuration and to clear the password.
Then, the password is cleared to NULL. You then can log in with user "admin" and an empty password.
1. Simultaneously press both the RESET and CLEAR buttons on the front of switch.
2. Continue to press the CLEAR button while releasing the RESET button.
3. When the SELF TEST LED begins to flash, release the CLEAR button.
The switch will then complete its self test and begin operating with the
configuration restored to the factory default settings.
Method 1
This method uses the config-register 0x2102 command in global configuration mode. Check the configuration register on
the router by issuing the show version command.
The configuration register setting is displayed in the last line of the show version command output and
should be set to 0x2102. If this is not the case, enter the config-register 0x2102 command once in global configuration mode.
router#configure terminal
router(config)#config-register 0x2102
If the show version command is issued again, the same line in the command output will have '(will be 0x2102 at next reload)' appended
to the current register setting.
Erase the current start-up configuration on the router with the write erase command. Reload the router with the reload command.
When prompted to save the configuration, DO NOT save.
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Once the router reloads, the System Configuration Dialog appears.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
The router is now reset to the original factory defaults.
Method 2
This method uses the config-register 0x2142 command in global configuration mode.Enter the config-register 0x2142 command in
global configuration mode.
router(config)#config-register 0x2142
This causes the router to ignore the start-up configuration on the next reload. If a
show version is issued, the last line in the command output will have '(will be 0x2142 at next reload)' appended to the
current configuration register setting.
Reload the router using the reload command in enable mode. It is not necessary to save when prompted to save the system configuration.
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
After the router has reloaded, the System Configuration Dialog appears. Enter no to the
question "Would you like to enter initial configuration dialog?"
Change the configuration register setting to 0x2102 by entering the config-register 0x2102 command once in global configuration mode.
Issue the write memory command in enable mode to overwrite the existing start-up configuration with the current running configuration.
Reload the router with the reload command in enable mode.
Once the router reloads, the System configuration Dialog appears.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
The router is now reset to the original factory defaults.
1. Attach your PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the router, set 1200/N/8/1 and press space
bar for 10-15 seconds after powererin up the router to simulate a CTRL-BREAK.
2. Then switch communication protocol to 9600/N/8/1.
3. After typing 'o' and ENTER at the > prompt the address of the configuration register is displayed:
> o
Configuration register = 0x2102 at last boot
4. Type o/r 0x2142 and press ENTER at the > prompt to boot from Flash without loading the configuration
Erase Password
1. Establish a serial link connection between your PC and the EIA 232 port
2. Press the System Request button (front side) to access the System
Request menu, and then select Clear the system password. This will clear only the system
password. All other con?guration parameters saved in NVRAM will be retained.
Erase NVRAM and set default values
1. Establish a serial link connection between your PC and the EIA 232 port
2. To reset the switch and run the power-on diagnostics, select Clear Non-Volatile Ram on the Main Menu. If a (unknown) password is require, first clear the password as described above
Erase Password and set factory default values
1. Establish a serial link connection between your PC and the EIA 232 port
2. Login with "3comcso" and password "RIP000", confirm reinitialization. After rebooting login with "admin", password "" (empty),
select menu item "system", then menu item "initialize", confirm with "yes"
Ludwig Steininger, Riedlingerstr. 3, D-85614 Kirchseeon bei München
Tel. +49-8091-4753,